I’d studied computers for four years, and had my first IT job in a call centre in 1999, providing technical support for a large internet service provider. Having been there a year, I was about to invest in my first proper computer to pursue my interests. The obvious choice would have been a Windows PC. Around this time Steve Jobs had returned to Apple and launched the first iMac. Even so, Apple Macs were not yet popular. In spite of this, I bought a Power Mac G4, joined Barry, the only other Mac support technician in the call centre, and the rest is history. 

I then worked at a university, as Mac Technician / Demonstrator, maintaining the Mac network, supporting students and academics. It was a wonderful environment to work in. I’d say my biggest achievement was playing a part in integrating the Windows & Mac servers (Active Directory / Open Directory). Well, it was significant at the time.

Six years later I had a brief stint, and a reality check, working as a Mac Support Technician for a commercial support company, mainly working with architects and artists.

Mac Thing

In 2010, I went freelance, creating a website called macsupportedlondon.co.uk. It was a bit of a mouthful (Mac Support London had already been taken..). After a couple of years I rebranded to Mac Thing – the meaning behind it is, when explaining to a Windows user how a particular task differs on a Mac, you might say, “It’s a Mac Thing”.

Over time, and out of necessity, I learned how to optimise my website for search engines, and was soon swamped with enquiries.

A lot has changed over the last 14 years in terms of technology, and as I write in 2024, its progression remains relentless. In order to keep up, I set myself projects that encompass emerging technologies and techniques, as well as my own interests. It allows me a creative outlet, and a fun way to keep learning.

I feel lucky to have met, and worked with so many interesting people through Mac Thing, and have learned so much along the way. 

Here’s to the next 25 years. 

Colin K. 2024